Maxi dresses

It’s hot. It’s summer. Good news, don’t you think?
Well, I’m not the only one who thinks that maxi dresses are perfect to survive the heat and to be nice looking all day (and night) long:

Eva wears a plain dress with flip flops and large bag, informal and easy going
Heidi adds black and white pattern to gladiator sandals
Claudia goes hippie chic and definitely succeeds in it!
Margherita Missoni seems to go back in time, when we were children and we treasured the moment when mummy would have us wear those cute and tiny floral patterned -sometimes smocked- dresses: she chooses a tube model, adds a precious necklace, her sweet smile and she’s ready for an official event.
What is stunning is that maxi dresses look good on everyone: tall, petite, slim or plump, everyone has their way to wear it. It can have a halter neck, decorations, ruffles, any kind of prints, you can add flat shoes, heeled clogs or cork wedges, metal, wood or stone jewelry, huge totes or jewel clutches, you decide how to wear it:

A smile is always in style

And, since the other name of this kind of dresses is “swoosh dresses”, what is important is that it’s loose, light, extra long, so that you can enjoy its undetectable sound as you’re walking

… but you can point to a very special fabric, maybe satin, or silk, to be elegant and refined as a modern princess:


or weightless, in a pale shade and a dreamy model, to look and feel like a fairy:

Joy is a walk through my lavender garden

2 commenti su “Maxi dresses”

  1. Ciao Tesoro, grazie per il tuo commento sul mio ultimo post, vedo che hai rinfrescato il look al blog, bello semplice mi piace molto! Che belli i tuoi sets di polyvore, il lavander garden è quello che sento più vicino a me, bellissimo l'abito lungo e sopratutto moooolto comodo quando non si hanno le gambe molto in ordine

  2. Ahaha, verissimo! Io poi le mie gambe le detesto, coprirle non mi par vero… e con degli abiti belli come questi coprirsi è un piacere! 🙂 Sì, nuovo look, mi sembra più fresco e ordinato e volevo a tutti i costi un template con la cornicetta intorno alle foto… sono contenta che ti piaccia! ^^

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