A night out with friends

A night out with friends
A night out with friends by Musadinessuno

This is how you can start the evening considering wearing a classic black dress and end up with wearing a totally different outfit.

While I was having a shower I realized I just wanted to wear my new trousers (a little different from these ones, tighter on the ankles and broader on the hips), so I left the LBD in the wardrobe and matched them with the white sequin tank mini-dress I bought last summer with the project to wear it as a maxi shirt, and a white, soft, huge Koralline wool shrug. I added white/silver eye shadow, lipgloss, a LOT of mascara, a pair of lace socks, colourful coat and bag and I was ready to leave.

Now, I’m fighting with a hangover, but the flu seems to be gone! 🙂

2 commenti su “A night out with friends”

  1. Trovo bellissimo il capospalla colorato, un tono di blu/viola veramente moderno, super giusto anche il top di paillettes e il pantalone un po harem, morbido sui fianchi e stretto al fondo. CHe giusta che sei!

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