What did you get for Christmas?

No need to repeat how special this Christmas was for the two of us, in our first house together: even the walls could be telling around how much it meant for us and how much we enjoyed it!

My mum and granny gave us a clotheshorse, a set of Guzzini spice boxes and some christmassy table/kitchen clothes.
My uncle, who’s been working abroad lately, sent us some money we already partially used to buy food for our New Year’s Eve dinner with a couple of friends (and will be soon finished up to buy a hair dryer), and my BF’s brother and sister in law bought us a set of dishes, espresso cups, cutlery and glasses.
My BF’s parents gave me a bracelet/wristwatch I like very much and his granny a D&G Feminine deodorant spray. Unfortunately I LOVE D&G style, but I haven’t tried a D&G fragrance I like, so far, so I think I’ll keep it for someone who likes it.

My BF gave me the plaid coat (in the pic, whole image + details) I was writing about in the last post, and my friend and theatre colleague Chiara gave me a hat (in the pic) I love wearing with it, and a YSL gloss.
A late-but-loved-present was from my friend Francesca, who gave me a blue lace bra + panties set (in the pic) and a bookmark which looks like a jewel – she wins the prize “perfect combination”, for understanding so well my need for both nice and “cultural” objects! 🙂

Other random presents: – sweets, wine and olive oil – a cinammon candle – an organizer diary I’ll have to change because I have already one and I still prefer using smaller diaries – socks – an Erbolario hand moisturizer.

cappotto e berretto tartan, completino intimo goldenpoint

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