My winter wish list

 This is going to be not too complicated:
brown lace up shoes, with high-but-not-very-thin heels (√)
– a beanie hat (: a brown wool one, but I’m still looking for a striped one)
– a pearl necklace (I just need to find the time to try on and choose one of my mother’s, who’s been looking for this moment since I was child!)
– a (couple of) bangle bracelet(s). I saw a pair of beautiful, plexiglass ones (one black, one magenta) last month. But I wasn’t quick enough and when I went back they weren’t there anymore
– a little black dress. Plain, simple, not too short. Never had one, I have to admit that (: and finding it was even easier than I thought!)
– a plaid tailored coat (: my bf bought it for me as a Christmas present)
– a wool/cachemere v-neck fuxia cute sweater (: I LOVE wearing it with black trousers, a pair of pumps and black/fuxia striped socks)
blue velvet peep/lace up shoes (it’s so difficult to explain what they look like…but they must be mine, even if they have such a high and thin heel!!)
– black wool poncho ()
black cropped wrap cardigan (: found a nice, warm one at NaraCamicie in the middle of the autumn, and it matches perfectly with jeans or more formal outfits)

So, winter sales are beginning and I only have to go and get my strange dream shoes and to look for the bangle bracelets (which I won’t find here, I already know that). This could be good for my wallet. But it isn’t, it really isn’t: I’ll end up buying (spending) too much, I feel it.

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