Easter in Paris_2. part

Ok, let’s talk about shopping.

I was SO excited at the thought I would finally visit the biggest Sephora shop in Europe.
Huge, full, coloured… a dream!
Well, this is something you shouldn’t do if you come from a small town and you’re not more than ready to defend yourself and your loved one from the attacks of over-enthusiastic SAs with loud voices and about 8 arms each!
Maybe in the other Sephora shops in Paris you’ll find a less hysterical atmosphere, but I think the one in Champs Elisées is always worth a visit.

Anyway, I was also able to buy what I was looking for:
– Hanae Mori Butterfly
– Benefit Benetint, Some kind a Gorgeous foundation and a black kajal to replace the one I lost somewhere

Silk top @ Naf Naf (here I need to find a way to wear it without always showing my breasts around… I hadn’t realized that the V-neck was SO deep!!)

Ballerina flats at Nina Kendosa. When I wore them I immediately recognized the sound of Parisian girls stepping around the streets and the underground.

Their shop at 24, Rue de Buci is particularly cute. Here is a shot I took while my bf was trying to take me away from there.

In the end, what surprised me the most in Paris was that I had packed my essentials, ready to buy a lot during the trip, but all I could do was taking pics and looking a lot of shopping windows and above all a lot of parisian girls! I came back home with a light luggage and a head full of ideas and inspirations.

Anyway, while in Paris I discovered an insane passion for tulips. I had never looked at them as flowers I could possibly grow, but now I’m deeply in love with them. I hope to find a nice place to buy some bulbs at the end of the summer and to have wonderful tulips next year!!

This stall near Notre Dame reminded me of my friend Chiara and her promise to give me some flamenco lessons as soon as we have some time.

Another stolen pic, at L’Artisan Parfumeur: I already had my fragrance and I had promised I wouldn’t have bought more than one, but this shopping window was so gorgeous!!

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