Easter in Paris_1. part

Easter in Paris
Easter in Paris by Musadinessuno

Late post about our latest trip.
Paris, in fact.
Where should I start from?

In march we decided that we deserved a holiday, and the perfect time for me was Easter Holiday.
My bf would let me organize the holiday, but he only wanted a thing: our hotel had to be in front of the Eiffel Tower. We found it, so in a couple of days we booked and started waiting.

This is what you could see from our window during the day:

at night:

and with foggy weather:

(Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel, 18 avenue de Suffren , 75015 PARIS)

All you need to enjoy Paris is a pair of comfortable shoes,
underground tickets, a map, maybe a camera and of course a good breakfast to start the day!

We decided to skip the biggest and most popular museums because the weather was so good that we didn’t want to spend all our holiday indoor. But of course we couldn’t leave behind Musée Rodin, with its garden full of sculpures and stories:

(Musée Rodin, 79 rue de Varenne, 75007 Paris)

Another two places I didn’t want to miss were two cemeteries: Montmartre and Père Lachaise. In the first I felt I could stay there taking pics, talking with the cats and imagining the stories of the buried people, for the whole day. The second gave me a different mood – bigger and full of people looking for Jim Morrison grave, it has a huge part dedicated to the victims of World Wars and Nazism, which took me back to earth.

Of course you’ll find the Moulin Rouge while you’re getting out the Montmartre Cemetery, so why not stopping and eating/drinking something just in front of it?

Yes, this is the café where I was leaving my camera behind. Some guardian angel must have thought of me. Sometimes talking with sculpures and cats in cemeteries can help!

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