Scent of London in winter – Burberry Prorsum

What I’ve always loved about fall/winter fashion is the possibility of layering many, many kinds of textures and fabrics, and Londoners have always been my teachers in this: I love looking at them on the streets and underground trains, adding style to everyday life, on those busy days which start very early in the morning and maybe will end very late in the evening, hopefully with a gig with friends.

A lot of greys, blacks and browns in this collection. Burberry Prorsum thinks of a woman in movement, who treasures classic pieces and mix them with modern elements. What I’ve selected is high heels and large bags, slim volumes and warm, comfortable scarves, hats, romantic pleated skirts and, why not? Some stamps, a splash of fantasy to light up the day!

Of course, a quick note about the new Burberry campaign, with the
so-young-and-so-English Emma Watson, Douglas Booth, Tom Hughes, Charlie France, Nick Wilson and Tom Guinness- I’ve only chosen the ones about Burberry Prorsum collection, but soon the others will be out on press and media.

Fashion show pics taken from; campain pics taken from the net, I don’t own the rights of any of them.

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