A garden on my window sill

Summer is finally here.

I’ve always dreamt of having a garden where you can sit and read, sipping some juice and enjoying the fragrance and the colors of flowers and plants.

All I have is a couple of window sills where I can try and grow something, so the main point is: how to use such a tiny space, how to make it beautiful and, why not, useful, too?

The first plants which I decided to take when we moved here (in winter) were succulent plants – easy to manage and even easier to find, since mum has a huge collection of very different kinds at her place. So she selected some for me and my bf as a cute present, and our window sill became a little more lively. Then spring came, with herbs, lavender and some flowers. It was not a very positive experiment, though, because last summer I was so busy that I managed to kill almost all of them.

In autumn, I thought that a tiny orchid would be nice for our kitchen. She survived, and last spring I bought 3 more orchids (regular size) which now make me happy everytime I look at them.

But I absolutely didn’t mean to stop trying and have a better looking window sill!
I decided that the first step to take was… having better looking vases. With some white and blue enamel I got the wished results, and even the evergreen but somewhat dull succulents took a distinctive character.

A geranium, given by a nice neighbour (a real guerrilla gardener, I’ll have to talk about her sometimes!) decided it was time to wake up!

Next step: gerbera daisies. Red and yellow are my favourite. It was not easy at first, but thanks my personal guerrilla gardener I put them in bigger vases and they bloomed in a very thankful way!

Yes, what you can see in the middle of the second pic is a rose. I’d never thought I would be so brave. And lucky!

Here she is:

Next to it, a solanum is spreading its wings:

Soon I’ll have to find the way to “limit” its spreading, ot it’ll end up stealing all the light to the other plants!

On the useful side of this story, you’ll have basil, parsley, rosemary and mint, happily sharing their life with a bush of lavender and some blooming succulents:

This morning I decided: I had to try it.
Some salad and tomatoes, the satisfaction of having some vegetables within reach is certainly worth trying.
So, here we are:

Half of my dream has become true: I still don’t have a place outside where I can sit and read, but I have plenty of flowers and plants to enjoy.

On the other hand, my little garden is a nice place to sunbathe for someone:

While my little guest enjoys its peace, I still have a beach next home where I can look for some relax…

2 commenti su “A garden on my window sill”

  1. zimmia la foto con la lucertola è fantastica, mi sono innamorata!(ho un debole per questi animaletti, ma a parte questo la foto in sè mi piace tanto).

  2. Ma sai che viene a farmi visita ogni mattina? Si mette lì tra le amanti del sole e quando vado a muovere il vaso per vedere se c'è fa capolino e sembra che mi saluti! E' troppo carina!! ^^

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