
My dear Fleur-de-Lis tagged me… and I’m very proud to take part in the game!!

What I have to do is:

share 7 things about myself

  1. I’ve always lived by the sea and I think I can’t live without it. I’ve lived in places far away from the sea for short or long periods, but I’ve missed it a lot.
  2. I was born in 1980, I really like the idea of being born in a -0 year!
  3. When I started studying foreign languages, the only thing I didn’t want to do was teaching. And in the end, this is what I’ve been doing for years. And I’ve found out that this is what I love the most!
  4. On the other end, I’ve always loved acting and taking pictures. These two hobbies of mine have recently become two beautiful, exciting extra jobs.
  5. When I have to write the validation code to submit my comments on a blog post, I always try and find a meaning for the letters I find. One day I’ll have to write a post on this habit!
  6. My grandparents had a farm and my favourite place was their wine cellar. I loved the smell of wine. Later on, I understood that the smell of wine was good, but its taste was even better!
  7. I hate being interrupted when I’m talking. Sometimes I need time to find the proper words and I slow down a little, so this tends to be interpreted as a “break time”. I can forget I am a polite person when this happens.

post a song

This is an easy one: the song I’m posting is Musa di nessuno by Afterhours, the origin of my nickname.

share several things (I’ve chosen to write 7, I like this number!) that make me happy:

  1. I’m happy when I have time to cook a proper meal: I love cooking and experimenting, but I have to have enough time, or this is not fun!
  2. I’m happy when bf and I choose a new trip destination, begin reading the related city guide and looking for information on the net, until we book flight + hotel
  3. I’m even happier when we’re leaving!! 😀
  4. I’m happy when my flowers bloom
  5. I’m happy when in this part of the year there’s enough sun to think that winter’s almost over
  6. I’m happy when I receive nice postcards with “real” words (not the usual “Kisses from…”) on them
  7. I’m happy when I finish reading a book and I still feel I’m with its characters

in the end, I have to tag 7 bloggers to give them an award and spread the game, but I’ll choose only 3 because many of the bloggers I know have already been tagged.

I choose:

The Pulx, because she’s very sad these days, I hope she’ll smile when she finds this out.

Rano83, because he’s one of the bloggers I’ve recently “met” thanks to Flower Bomb event, and he really deserves it

Angela, because I missed her flowery post and I still don’t understand how I could!!

The award I’m giving you all is beautiful and powerful as you all are, and it brings the wish you may always be creative and lively :

7 commenti su “Award!”

  1. grazie mille per essere passata per il mio blog e del commento! siamo in sintonia anche io adoro le righe le vorrei mettere dappertutto..mi fa piacere che ti sia piaciuto il secondo!scusa se non leggo tutto quello che hai io non lo capisco molto bene l'inglese!cmq siamo in sintonia anche per un'altra cosa : gli afterhours!

  2. Hello, darling! Loved to read the post ;)You know we share the love for real postcards ^^ When i travel the next time i have to send one to you tooAnd i also do that with the letters in the post confirmation(strange, hmm)***

  3. -> miss velvet bow, ti rinnovo i miei complimenti, sei troppo brava!! E poi, anche tu una fan degli Afterhours… come non stringerti la mano, seppur virtualmente? :D-> Fleur… So, it's sure: we're on the same wavelength!! 🙂 :)I'm going to Berlin at Ester, I'm writing you my suggestion to exchange addresses and postcards… 🙂

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