Patchouli, silk, wool and tea

I’m waiting for the water for my tea to boil, and I can’t stop smelling my wrist: I’m wearing Reminiscence Patchouli, which is the first good surprise in 2009. I got a sample from Vittoria Profumi with my latest order and I hadn’t tried it yet (they always send me so many good things to try it takes ages to use them up). Maybe I thought it would be too plain, not original enough. Now I’m asking myself if I’ve ever tried patchouli so far. Maybe I have never tried such a lovely patchouli for me, my nose and my skin. It is very sweet at the beginning, then it developes in more “smoky” notes, but still very warm and pleasant.
It makes me feel like wearing a smooth ruffled silk blouse, maybe in a neutral shade such as champagne or mauve, and a soft huge handknit cardigan.
I’m drinking a Twinings Lapsanch Souchong tea, “a golden tea with a distinctive smoky character” in honour of it.

I had some good, satisfactory shopping this week-end and I’m taking pics as soon as possible. There’s also going to be a wedding brainsorming very soon, my bf and I are invited to a wedding in less than 2 months so I need to make up my mind.

2 commenti su “Patchouli, silk, wool and tea”

  1. Scusa se ti rispondo in italiano, ma per me è più facile…buono il profumo che porti, che bella atmosfera da pomeriggio di domenica a casa, tra le cose e le persone che ami…In bocca al lupo per la ricerca del vestito per il matrimonio, se ti posso dare un suggerimento prova con Pianoforte di MaxMara, secondo me loro sono bravissimi negli abiti da occasione speciale…fai foto, appena trovi, mi raccomando!

  2. This patchouli fragrance you’re talking about sounds incredible! I find patchouli quite pleasant, though I’m sure it’s not a very easy ingredient to work with. And I get the impression that many people link its scent to the 70’s and therefore find it either appallingly repulsive or tremendously fascinating. Anyway, so far I have only tried one or two patchouli fragrances that were actually pleasant to smell and to wear, and didn’t have that earthy/dirty note. One of them was Keiko Mecheri’s Patchoulissime. Hopefully, one day I will get to try Reminiscence Patchouli! You made me quite curious now!And you could not have picked a better tea to celebrate this fragrance. Lapsang Souchong truly is one the most distinctive teas ever!Musa, thank you again for visiting my blog and for leaving comments! I appreciate it very much. :)Marianna

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